A review by fatima_zubair
The Theft of Sunlight by Intisar Khanani


4.5 stars
I absolutely loved the sequel though I took my time completing it because I was slow and it kinds frustrated me because I wanted to read it fast but somehow I couldn't do it. But then, I thought screw it, I will take all the time in the world that there is and finish this book at the right time. And that I did!

Coming to the book now, I loved Rae but boy she made me angry or what! Yes she was infuriating at times and pretty damn amazing all the other times. I loved the fact that she had a foot defect and it didn't deter her in the least only she was not kind to herself as Verin Stonemane told her in the Bone Knife but over she was good. I missed Alyrra so much and waited for her scenes with Rae. I also missed Kestrin.
I do wish we would have gotten two POVs, one of Rae's and other one of the princess because quite a lot was going on in the court as well. I hope I get my wish fulfilled in the third book.
I would add here that I did miss all tue magic which was quite actively present in the first book and it gave all the fairytale vibes and even miss the Sorceress who made Alyrra's life miserable in thw first book.
Speaking of Alyrra, do I need to write here how much I loved her character and the growth she went through this book with the help of Kestrin because he stood with her/beside her/supported her in all her decisions and I loved him especially because of this. Alyrra's potential shone out brilliantly when here belittling family wasn't around her. Oh how I missed her POV.......

I also saw that twist coming from a mile ago... Wa suspecting it from the very start I guess and it still shocked me because helloooooo.... One more thing, I didn't find the end much of a cliffhanger if that sense, like I have read much worst you know so I managed quite well.... Anyways, I am very excited for the third and can't wait for it to come out asap although there is no release date out yet but I still can't wait.
Lastly, it makes me so happy seeing Muslim authors doing such an amazing job in this genre and getting opportunities.