A review by lyzz
This Is Ruby by Sara O'Leary


Title: This is Ruby
Author: Sara O’Leary
Illustrator: Alex Marley
Genre: Children’s Book
Pages: 32
Publication Date: 5/25/2021

This is Ruby is a delightful children’s book featuring a black main character named Ruby and her dog, Teddy. Ruby is incredibly curious and spends a lot of time thinking about what she wants to do when she grows up. She also starts implementing many of her ideas like a book that you can read via smell and a time machine.

The illustrations are gorgeous with rich vibrant colors as she explores possible careers in the STEM field. The story is simple – targeted at ages 3 to 7. Most pages have a single sentence of text and lean on pictures. I appreciated that the text several times tries to engage the young reader by asking them questions.

What I loved the most about this book is the representation. Ruby is depicted as smart and interested in science-based careers. She shows creativity and an adventurous spirit throughout the book. Ruby is also depicted with her natural kinky hair. As black women/girls are often criticized for their natural hair, it was refreshing to see Ruby depicted with natural hair and being interested in STEM.

The only con I see is that I feel like the book covered too much content – both careers and a time machine. I still think the book is wonderful as is – but do wish there was more focus on one element or the other. (Maybe a second book could focus on the omitted item.)

I will definitely plan to buy this book for my four-year-old nephew and encourage you to as well!

ARC provided to me by Tundra Books, via Net Galley, in exchange for an honest review.