A review by joreadsromance
Crazy Rich Cajuns by Erin Nicholas


Didn’t quite tick all the boxes for me
3 stars

I have read most of the Boys of the Bayou series of which this is the fourth book, and Kennedy and Bennett as a couple have been teased almost since the very start. It probably does stand alone, but as part of a series full of colourful characters and intertwined scenarios, you might be confused if you haven’t read at least one of the previous books in the series.

As I mentioned, Bennett and Kennedy have been dancing around each other in previous books. They very much had an antagonistic relationship - a sort of teasing love-to-hate-you kind of thing. I didn’t really ever feel a super chemistry (in previous books) between the pair and this book really just throws you into the story so I still wasn’t really feeling them as a pair to begin with.

I really liked the idea of Bennett - he’s the kind of hero that’s totally my jam. He’s a rich guy and can come across as a little bit stuffy - especially in comparison to those laid-back Louisiana folk. I love the idea of a buttoned up guy getting a little ruffled with a girl who’s not his norm. And he wears glasses. Swoon! But despite all this, I didn’t love him as much as I wanted to. It’s hard to put my finger on why - but there it is. And that’s despite him being a dirty talker. I LOVED that about him. It probably hit me just as hard as it hit Kennedy.

Kennedy herself wasn't really my cup of tea as far as a heroine goes either. She was, for me, deliberately difficult and provocative at times and I often wanted to tell her to stand down and calm down. That attitude 24/7 must be exhausting! I was also slightly worried we were going down the really obvious route of the backwater girl going to the hoity toity society party and embarrassing herself and others with her provincial ways! Luckily we didn’t go that way and I did get to like Kennedy a wee bit better as the story progressed. But ultimately, I still did feel she was a little bitty selfish. There was just something about her that I wasn’t loving. Don’t get me wrong - I was still rooting for our couple and I did like them - I just didn’t love them - as individuals or together.

Unlike the other books in the series (or the ones that I’ve read anyway), this story also takes us out of the Bayou for a large chunk of time. It therefore had a different feel to it than the other books. Again, not bad - just different.

As I mentioned, Bennett has a dirty mouth on him which I very much appreciated. As such, the sex scenes were delicious - especially since there’s something of a build up before we get to the very good stuff. *Happy sigh*

This wasn’t my favourite of the Boys of the Bayou books but it’s very readable and still has [a:Ms Nicholas’s|3155383|Erin Nicholas|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1563075132p2/3155383.jpg] trademark humour, heat and obvious love of small-town family and life. 3 stars from me but still recommended if you’ve read others in the series; just maybe don’t start with this one.