A review by tashgeorgop
The Bridge To Holy Cross by Paullina Simons


4.75 ⭐️

I definitely enjoyed this book more in the sense that it was not as tedious and repetitive as the first book. Having both Tatiana’s and Alexander’s POVs was great and definitely gave extra depth to the story since we got to see inside both of their minds. However, while there was still a lot of emotional/tense/exciting moments in this book, it didn’t shock or make me feel emotional the way the Bronze Horseman did.

The whole Pasha storyline really frustrated me, but in the best way possible! It really showed how much Alexander loved Tatiana when he did everything he could to make sure that Pasha stayed alove long enough for Tatiana to see him alive again. Even though it didn’t work.

There were also so many moments when I felt so sorry for them. Like when Ouspensky ended up being a ‘spy’ for the NKGB and, eventually, recognising Tatiana and telling the Russian military that he had escaped. It just felt so bad since everything Dimitri had already done to Alexander.

Overall, the writing was just as beautiful as the first book and the story was even more epic than the before. Simons really knows how to write a romance that I will never forget. It also probably helps that these books are set in my favourite historical era.

Although, this book may not be for everyone since it is a very specific genre. If you don’t like: historical fiction, sad novels, slow paced stories or even epic/major romance, I would not recommend these books to you.