A review by emstripling_0
2:22: A Ghost Story by Danny Robins


An absolutely incredibly written show. Danny Robins used a life of research to create a body of work that cannot be put down and deserved nothing less than being brought to life in a production.

The ending is a gut punch, a twist that I was not expecting and couldn’t help but audibly responding to.

Robins managed to combine suspicion, religion, belief, grief, arguments on both sides of gentrification, thriving and failing relationships, personality clashes... all into exactly 100 pages. The conversations feel like real debates- clear when the characters care for the others opinions and when they don’t. It is full of regret and love that take so many forms.

It is clear that this paranormal activity, supernatural occurrences, ghosts, however you refer to these ideas is a field that Robins is devoted to and passionate about, and this knowledge bleeds into the play effortlessly.

I loved it and hope to work on a production of it one day.