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A review by nataliejordin_writes
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell


I don’t remember why I picked this up, but I’m glad I did. It was a fun yet tear jerking read. The plot was well executed and included more than I thought it would. Fangirl made my all-time favorites' list when I first read it. It was later booted off by Ship It, but that's a story for another time. This is a book about twin young women, who have just started college and are seemingly growing a part. One, Wren, is more interested in doing her own thing and leaving her childhood behind her to be free, while, Cath, is an introvert who still likes creating fanfiction for her favorite books, Simon Snow.

This is a great example of a real coming of age story because it focuses on the issues than occur when people move from teenage years to adulthood. The twins were each their own person; a concept that still seems foreign to most people, and Rainbow Rowell allowed them to explore their new personas.

Now, I did not like the plot as much as I thought I would while reading. There were a few parts that I felt did not move the story forward but were mere placeholders and fluff. Also, I understand why the introverted twin acted the way she did, but there were moments I wanted to scream at and shake her. She had annoying tendencies.

Overall, I loved the fanfiction aspect of the story, despite reviewers deeming it a slight rip-off of another series. I actually wanted more fanfiction. I will highly recommend you read this.

Love, peace, and dope reading!