A review by indywrites
I am Big. So What!? by Shuchi Singh Kalra


Roli is just like any other girl you would meet except that she is huge, yes with the height and width to match our India she draws second glances more often than not. This is the second novel by Shuchi and I have always appreciated her writing and this book just reaffirms it. Leave aside the topic, leave aside the story just the language of the book is good enough for you to enjoy this book with its wonderful ‘laugh out loud’ moments, frank statements, and truths that hit home.

The book is a delight to read, it is smart, sassy and the story moves fast. It is a well-paced book with each chapter having something to look forward to as we try to find the perfect guy, the one to fall in love with Roli. The story of her family, friends and work is a well-balanced one and I enjoyed reading about the moments with her father.

Monika, her best friend was a wonderfully penned character and added to Roli’s story. The book has some good moments between the two and like a good friend she helped her in all aspects of her life and the book too. It was a good direction for her Monika too.

Kabir is the guy who finally wins her heart and what a twist in the romance. I found him sweet, a bit too sweet at times but then can sweet be ever too much? Convoluted, I know!!

The best part of this book is the romance – sweet, and so real. The very normal conversations and the totally witty retorts by Roli just add a shine to the story. I could see Shuchi’s wit sparkle in the book. It is a fun read, a bit emotional but very funny and fresh and just the plain truth.

A little bit about the ex, Ronit did put me off with he being suddenly painted as a shallow and money minded guy but then we can truly not know someone unless they choose to show their true colors.

With the book, I am big. So what!? Shuchi has chosen a topic close to my heart – body shaming and I think she has nailed it. I can comfortably match Roli in the size and weight department so I pretty much felt she was telling my story at times, especially when she went shopping and groom hunting. This book struck a chord, pretty close to home. It is a sad truth that being physically pleasing is much more important than being a good person – such shallow is our benchmark.

I think I should more so because we need to speak about body shaming as much as we can. It is not only the women who face it, men are not immune either. If fact, small children and young girls face it too. My heart crumbles when I hear a 5-year-old say that she does not eat X or Y since it will make her fat and she wants to stay thin all her life. Where do such ideas come from, such thoughts are from the environment we are in.

Sad but true, we are not nice to fat people, or plus size people. Even at my thinnest, which exactly what my height weight ratio should be I had to think before walking into a store, wondering whether they would have stuff in my size, it is much worse now coz I am quite a bit more now!

Shuchi has made us look within and try and banish the person who only looks at the surface. She has done with spunk and style. Roli Rocks!

(I received a copy of the book from the author, the review is my honest opinion.) ©