A review by ameserole
York: The Shadow Cipher by Laura Ruby


First half of this book was eh. Second half was a step up from eh.

The Shadow Cipher is one of those books that has an awesome cover. That's it. The story was interesting but it ended up being a disappointment. I feel like the story building was good, information dumping was eh, and the characters were a bit forgettable. Honestly, I just kept zoning in and out of this book which broke my heart because I was so psyched for this book.

The kids in this book are probably smarter than I am and they are 12. They were okay (in a sense) but nothing really struck out at me. Maybe it's because I was listening to the audio instead of reading the actual book.. but yeah, I just wasn't invested into them like I should be. I expected to be head over heels with this book and these characters but overall, it was just okay.

Overall, I could see myself diving into the next book because this one is so fresh in my mind. However, I would probably try to get the physical or the ebook of it - just to see if there's a difference in my opinion on these characters.