A review by morethanthepages
How Did You Get This Number by Sloane Crosley


I had high hopes for this book, but honestly....I wish I didn't have to finish this book but I'm a firm believer that if I buy something I need to finish it because I spent my hard-earned money on it.
Sloane's book "I Was Told There'd Be Cake" was funny and slow I mean it was a combo but this one is horrible. I've never read something so out of touch with how the rest of the world works outside of “precious” New York City. This book is filled with moments of pampered woman who makes herself out to seem as if her struggles are relatable and interesting. I’m not saying I could ever write short stories about my life experiences…because no one would want to hear them like this one.

The only thought provoking moment of the book was when she posed the question "How come you never see a baby pigeon?"

The first book of hers I physically read and this one I'm listening to on audio so that could be part of the problem. Most books of this genre when I listen to them on audio I like when the author reads their own story, but this is not the case. I also think she's too close to the project and hangs onto certain words as if there should be audience applause or laughter in the background because she thinks she's just that witty, smart or funny.

It's not the worst thing I've ever read, and some of it was funny....but it just wasn't for me. I'm still going to read books she publishes...but with more caution and probably not buy them.