A review by themaxdog
The Forgotten Village: Absolutely heartbreaking World War 2 historical fiction about love, loss and secrets by Lorna Cook


Full review now up on the blog: https://www.thewritinggreyhound.co.uk/2022/02/book-review-forgotten-village-by-lorna.html

The Forgotten Village is a dual timeline novel, split between wartime Dorset and the present day. Both halves of the story are gripping and engaging, each working in tandem to reveal crucial clues about what happened to the mysterious Standish family of Tyneham House.

From romance to mystery, there is a little bit of everything in this book! In the present day, Melissa finds herself suddenly in the middle of a blossoming relationship whilst trying to navigate the secrets of the past. Enlisting the help of TV historian Guy, she develops a keen interest in the Standish family - but what happened after they left Tyneham?

In the 1940s, Veronica Standish and her husband Bertie are on the cusp of leaving their home, Tyneham House. The entire village is being requisitioned for the war effort, meaning that the residents' lives are being turned upside down. But with dark secrets of her own, will this be the fresh start Veronica hopes?

This is a beautifully written story, bound to keep you invested until the very last page. It effortlessly balances each different aspect of the plot to create a seamless, easy flow throughout. I also found it to be quite a quick read - once you start, you won't want to stop!

Another outstanding novel from Lorna Cook, The Forgotten Village is a great story and a thoroughly enjoyable read.