A review by teegeneva
Eternally Cursed by January Rayne


It’s official, I’ll yell it from the rooftops! JANUARY RAYNE IN MY FAVORITE AUTHOR!

Y’all, this is the best book in the Eternally series so far! Omg. I’ve said before that I am fascinated with the world she is building, and it’s even more so now with all the beautiful details and creatures that have been introduced in this book! It’s freaking magical!!!

I absolutely loved the adventure we went on, and found my anxiety high at every turn even knowing she’s said all her characters will have HEAs. This book is long; but didn’t feel that way when I was reading. I didn’t want to put it down.

I’m waiting for January to write one male character that I don’t want to make a new book boyfriend. I’m still waiting because that definitely didn’t happen with Anwyll, I absolutely love my unhinged, tortured, feral wolf boy. While a lot of times feral, he truly is the goodest boy at the end of the day.

I absolutely loved Ru and her strong will power. She was feisty and dominating exactly when she needed to be!

I loved seeing the old characters in action, Alexander and Maven and all the others of course. I’m glad we get to continue to see them throughout the series.

I loved a lot of the new characters introduced and I can’t wait til we read more about them. Especially Lorcan.

My only qualm, I’m impatient and ready to know what Dottie is. My friend and I stood up for hours looking up mythical creatures with the few clues we have, and we have a theory.

Also, what is Januarys beef with the brothers. Get my babies out the trenches already! I don’t like it!

Definitely a must read. Also this book is spicyyyy, there is A LOT of delicious filthy scenes. A lot. Like a lot a lot.