A review by ferrisscottr
Maestro by R.A. Salvatore


And we're back for (I believe) the 32nd book in the Legend of Drizzt, the middle book in the Homecoming trilogy.

My rating is based on my enjoyment of the book and let me explain.
This is a very good book and probably one of Salvatore's best but my enjoyment wasn't as high as usual because it was all doom and all gloom all the time and that had me at times not wanting to read it, not wanting to spend an hour with murder, rape, torture and all of the other evils of Menzoberranzan.

We have two main plot points.
Cattie Brie trying to rebuild the Host tower of the Arcane to prevent the escape of the primordial.
And we have Drizzt, Artemis Entreri & Jarlaxle heading to Menzoberranzan to rescue Dahlia.

Drizzt, Entreri & Jarlaxle of course are a fighting force of nature and are pretty amazing together but they also have to battle magic and that leads to a bunch of times where the unbeatables are slapped down.

The pacing was great - no real 10 page fight scenes that drag on just a little too long. The tension and plot escalate slowly until we have a pretty good conclusion.
Characters are amazing as always.
World Building - Faerun is great and we spend a ton of time in the politics and house dealings in the Underdark.

Really the only thing that wasn't amazing was me. Maybe it was the mood I was in but I found it really hard to maintain enjoyment when 90% of the book takes place in the most evil depressing place in Faerun and compared to previous books, it's more dark and gloomy than it ever has been in the past.

But I am excited to continue the series and see where Salvatore takes us next.