A review by kidisitor
Wealthy Playboy by Alex Wolf, Sloane Howell


Ok, so this just got quite emotional! This book started with two extremely smart, head strong people who are so driven in their careers that it's only natural they will clash. There is a very high likelihood they will butt heads, and do it often. And they do to some extent, but the sexual tension between them softens the blows some. Both these characters are so hard core in the business world, and they have a take no prisoners attitude. Only difference is, he's in it for the money as well as the control. She's in it for a greater good. To help others. Both keep their personal lives private, and both have secrets they are keeping from the other, as well as the rest of the world. These secrets come out at the worst possible time and cause great turmoil for the couple, before they even really formed a solid relationship. There are laughs throughout (mostly coming from the side characters, whom you may know if you've read any of the other books in this series.) About 70% in though, it takes a turn into the Kleenex zone. Be warned. Tears will fall. There is some sexual content, that is pretty darn hot, but honestly, there's not a lot. The story isn't really about that. Oh don't get me wrong, the tension is all there and the want is there. And it is still suitable for mature readers. It's a well told story that is easy to read. It alternates between POVs.

*I received an ARC of this book.