A review by cmbussmann
The Doomed: Apocalyptic Horror Hunting: A Wargame by Chris McDowall


Great game, terrible rulebook.

I’ll start with the positives first. The Doomed is a miniature skirmish game that centers around two players competing to hunt monsters and gain advancement in a campaign or for a solo player to guide their warband through a series of challenging monster encounters. It is great fun with a very stripped down set of game mechanics. The designer’s “no measuring, no stacking, no tracking” mantra really shines through. You can just set up your table, grab some minis & dice, and just go. It’s great for a very casual “beer & pretzels” style game night, either alone or with friends. And if you’re a keen hobbyist, the game definitely encourages creative kitbashing and making up your own rules & campaigns.

Where The Doomed falls down is in the presentation of the rules. To be blunt, this rulebook, as written, ought not to have been published. It is poorly organized, riddled with errors, and generally an unprofessional product that suffers from some major authorial & editorial lapses. Considering the high standard that Osprey usually publishes at, this is an embarrassment and ought to be amended with a revised, second edition post-haste.

The book does have some beautiful modeling photography, however. And a veteran gamer can easily glean what’s necessary to play. But in doing so, I had to craft my own set of cheat sheets and paginate my own index. How is a beginner supposed to cope with that?

My *** review is basically me splitting the difference between a **** experience and a ** presentation. Such a shame this great game wasn’t given more professional polish. I hope it still finds enough players to gain traction towards a revision.