A review by aefedele
Dealing Her Final Card by Jennie Lucas


Review posted @ http://tsukibooks.blogspot.com

Bree knows better than to doubt the steely ruthlessness of this man. With everything to lose and the weight of Vladimir's gaze upon her, she will have to play the best she's ever played—or run the risk of losing herself completely….
I was really hesitant to start this book because I tend to have issues where women sell themselves for the sake of a payoff. I understand they are sometimes in horrible straits but suddenly they are totally cool with being bought. They are totally willing to just have sex with the guy for some lengthy amount of time to save the ranch or something. Inevitably the two fall in love and they get to look fondly at the time she was a possession. Perhaps she should be just a little indignant.

Oddly enough I enjoyed the story. Bree was an idiot but it worked out for her. Vladimir makes it clear she had won enough money to leave the poker table but she made the final wager to get $1 million. Yes, she wanted to pay off her father's old debts and allow her and her sister to have a better life but she didn't have to wager her body.

Bree was likable enough but an idiot. She was trying to give her sister a better life while giving up scams and gambling. She was in love once and ready to give up scams and gambling when he left her. Vladimir found out about her past and immediately dumped her. I understand her need to protect her sister and I understand her love of Vladimir even after all this time. He gave her the hope for a better future.

Vladimir on the other hand, was the redeemed character. There were moments during the story when I considered not finishing it because of his behavior. Not only did he purchase Bree but he forced her to clean his rooms wearing lingerie! I was a little put off by that and then...they fell into bed. Sure the sex was hot but it seemed a bit ridiculous. He made her do demeaning things and then treated her like a mistress. He wanted her to shop and enjoy herself once the sex started but he still treated her like a possession.

Of course Vladimir has a horrible relationship with his brother and the brother makes his dastardly appearance near the end. The premise is for Bree to get Vladimir to sign away the company. It seemed concocted for the two to finally admit they were in love.

I get these books are filled with ridiculous scenarios but this one seemed to be full of ridiculousness after ridiculousness. I had trouble wrapping my mind around each crazy situation until finally I just decided to enjoy the crazy. And crazy it was...

This was a fun story at the end of the day so I would recommend giving it a try. Just make sure you are prepared for the woman being a possession for the first 60% of the book.

3 Stars
Published by Harlequin
January 22, 2013
192 Pages
Provided by--NetGalley