A review by livi_bunniesandbooks
The Saviors: Part Two by Ames Mills


OK this book was amazing!
The relationships between these guys were phenomenal like everybody loved everybody, which was just awesome, I was going to say better then, but instead, I’d say different in a very good way than her abs Valley serious because here all five men love all five men which is kind of similar to all I have I guess but it felt different
This was also probably the best villain, we face so far because there was a twist after twist and literally twists until the very end even I was believing what Amber and Charlie were saying for a hot second, and my heart was shattering with Chelsea is the entire time there. 
I loved the ending, so cute so adorable
I absolutely loved that. Everyone was in this book and almost every single character from the previous bucks, played an essential role in this one. Even if they didn’t say much, they were present they were there, and it was so adorable and so heart fulfilling I loved it.
Gauge and Kayden and ghost made me laugh. Dimitri and Nik and Ryder and really all the men were  protective, Mateo got to blow up shit gray still so in love with Mateo, Evander and Micha still give me life, I can honestly keep going, but to summarize every single man from the previous books had something to do in this book, and I freaking loved it
I’m excited for what’s going to happen in the future because I feel as though it’s gonna be Ari Keon, Tyler, Gavin, and potentially someone else and I’m so excited I really want to see it
Ames Mills characters always always always make me laugh and tear up and the families she creates make my heart immeasurably happy