A review by thatbooknerd__
Miss Taken by Cleo Scornavacca


Reviewed by Leanne for A girl who loves books
3 stars
I like the idea behind this book. Kidnap always leads to interesting plot development, add in the twin variable, dirty secrets, family feuds and hunky men and you’d assume you’d be on to a winner, right?
I just don’t know…
The characters are all a bit odd, not very easy to connect to at all. Firstly, Rain. Her nonchalance at being kidnapped is unbelievable, even after her upbringing. She’s 34…same age as me…again, I get maybe her upbringing stunted some growth emotionally but bloody hell, if I didn’t know better I’d assume she was early twenties. There seems to be no maturity with her at all. Her dependence on Tommy is bordering on obsessive and as for “Daddy”, sigh...she’s thirty bloody four, not four.
Domonick…talk about bi-polar, jeez! And again, there’s a certain immaturity to him that doesn’t reflect his 39 years. He’ sleezy and corrupt. Throughout the book I couldn’t get to grips with him or his agenda and at the end, I’m still not sure what his feelings truly are. He’s such a complicated man.
The writing in places is a little awkward. I feel like I’m told everything, never really shown. Apart from the one twist that causes complications with the whole revenge scenario, I didn’t find there were any great surprises in the storyline either. There are also places where I feel a little lost.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that this book follows your typical romance formula. It’s an interesting read and I am moving straight onto book 2 to hopefully get some answers. There is so much potential here but I think I feel it was a bit of a rush job.