A review by clairedrinkstea
Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost


I really enjoy the Vlad and Leila story as there is less messing around as with the Cat and Bones arch in the Night Huntress Series. Don't get me wrong, I understand that Cat and Bones is a multi-book deal and Jeanine Frost has stated that the Night Prince Series will be a trilogy so there is a lot less room.

The book has the right amount of uncertainty from Leila and its good to see her development into Vlad's world. The bad guy/girl are obvious without it being too explicit as the hints are dropped sporadically and allow for Vlad and Leila's relationship to also be well structured.

This is my kind of light read that I can enjoy with a couple of drink (coffee or adult natured all good), and crack through it in an afternoon.