A review by fangirlishwandering
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim


This book really is magic.

I was never a kid that read books but I wish Six Crimson Cranes had been one that I read back then. It's got adventure, an incredible fictional world and a beautiful message. I'm a sucker for fairytales and this book really gives those vibezzz.
It isn't exactly a comfort read, it's very angsty. But it's a memorable one.

Couldn't stop underlining all the myths and tales mentioned. It amazes me how humans are so creative to come up with these things, and it complemented the book so much - making it so real. It's a whole universe Elizabeth Lim came up with and she really has the gift for storytelling. I could imagine everything super vividly in my head, so it's no wonder I read the last 150 pages in one sitting. I was totally immersed.

The Asian culture is also really present and that's what makes this book shine.
I imagined this whole universe like Pandaria in World of Warcraft aka just the most beautiful world to play in. The aesthetics were just right. And the breath-taking cover also really helps you set your brain for the right mood.
AND all those Asian food descriptions??? YUM.

Now I gotta go read Spin the Dawn to understand better that ending. Apparently there's a little crossover.

Not a 5 stars for me because those last few pages were a bit weird. Lots of action but plot not really moving forward.