A review by cassandra67b07
Dance with the Devil by Kit Rocha


The world-building in this series has been excellent throughout, but it has grown increasingly complex with each subsequent book. I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with all the characters and their intrigues and machinations to take down the corporations/directors who had destroyed their lives and murdered their friends and siblings. Not to worry-Kit Rocha has us covered. The multiple POVs, especially at the beginning of the book, work to get the reader caught up and back into the internal and external dynamics of the team so that when the focus shifts to Dani and Rafe, we are ready for their story and undercover operation to take center stage.

It's a pleasure to read such an intricately crafted story that works on the level of a post-apocalyptic thriller, with multiple romances, a team heist, and sci-fi elements woven throughout. It's a stunning conclusion to an excellent series!
Five stars!
Thank you to NetGalley and Tor for an eARC!