A review by alyram4
This Cruel Design by Emily Suvada


3.5/5 stars

Ok I'll say it. This Cruel Design is much better than the first. That's not saying so much since I'm giving this 3.5 stars. Why? The characters. Again. Suvada did so much more in terms of the plot that it made me more interested in the novel. The action scenes, plot twists, and chapter cliffhangers were at a higher level than the previous book. At least, most of them were. I'm annoyed at how the Cat & Jun Bei interaction was handled towards the end. I personally feel it just added more unnecessary conflicts and made the ending even more predictable. I can probably guess how the 3rd book will probably develop as well just from the final chapter alone. That final plot twist in the last chapter ain't it chief. I will say that Mato, Cat, & Cole were developed wonderfully. Now onto the next thing...the romance. What the hell is even going on!? I literally cannot. Way too much going on the romance category that I can't keep track. And I know I'm not the only one.

Step up from the first novel, but this still has so many flaws.