A review by luellen1990
Gruff Touch by R. Cayden


Title - Gruff Touch (Geek Ink #4)
Author - R Cayden
Genre - MM Romance
Published - May 2021
Pages - 210 Pages

Summary - Drew gave up his life to look after his sick mother, when she died he didn't know what to do with himself, his mother never told him who his father was always claiming she never knew so when he came across a piece of paper with his name on it he goes in search of information, taking him to Chicago. His search leads him to Caesar Marin a famous tattoo artist and biker. Drew knows he shouldn't be attracted to Caesar he's twice Drew's age, he's grumpy and he's made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with Drew.

What I thought about this book - OMG I loved this book, hell I loved this whole series, I was so happy when I found out that Caesar was getting his own book. Drew and Caesar are so good together Drew brings out the softer side in Caesar and Caesar brings out Drew's confidence and gives him the love and comfort he needs in life. This book is so well written, the plot is great, easy to follow, keeps you hooked. The character development is brilliant and fantastically done. Overall another amazing book by an amazing author who has fastly become one of my favourite authors.

Would I Recommend - Yes

Would I Read Again/Continue The Series - Yes/Yes

Rating - 5*

Reviewed by LucyLui