A review by ladybugwrites
Moliere's Don Juan: Comedy in Five Acts, 1665 by Molière


This was funny, which is good because it is a comedy (not technically comedy in the funny sense, bc it's a theatre genre, but still, it was funny). This play can really relate to what we today call 'fuckboys', and I really enjoyed the parallels and what is the same and what we still shun as things 'not to do'. That to be said, I'm fairly certain it's okay to hate Don Juan and I will because he actually hates women and I don't think the translator realized that. Whilst that is said, he is a 3D character who's smart and cunning and handsome and who wouldn't fall for that, right? It's all three things people look for in book boyfriends.

I'm kidding, but I did really enjoy it and whilst I don't really like the thought that Moliere used Don Juan to speak for himself on the subject of women, I do think the monologues highlighted problem areas within society that still exists today, over 350 years later. I also do quite enjoy Moliere and his works. They're classics for a reason.