A review by marianbooks613
Business Casual by B.K. Borison


 📌 release date: July 16, 2024

I'm sad because this is the last book in the Lovelight series but at the same time, I'm happy because Nova and Charlie found their happily ever after.

Returning to Lovelight Farm is a pleasure and this book was no exception, from the first pages we see how Nova and Charlie get along, the tension, the banter, all of that we see from the beginning and that folks, I loved it, let's see we knew more or less what this book was about from all the little teasers that the author gave us but finally reading it is another story, these two were pure dynamite and I loved that the book was drama-free.

Charlie is a classy teddy bear and no one can say otherwise, he just wanted to belong to a place and Inglewild is that for him, I'm going to confess that Charlie made me cry on many occasions, my poor boy is everything that is right in this life, I didn't see anything wrong with him and he should be protected at all costs (which we see at the end and is undoubtedly the best scene in the whole book); Nova, my girl, I definitely want to be like you when I grow up, she is a strong protagonist and capable of everything, she just wants her family to be proud of her and to be able to run a successful business, but let's go even though she doesn't want to, she feels alone and that's where Charlie comes in.

The relationship was beautiful, from beginning to end and I just want a thousand stories of these two, I just want to be happy as I was reading them because yes, every scene made me smile, every scene made me giggle with happiness, the two have a beautiful chemistry and I loved that they found a home in each other.

It was more than a pleasure to read this last book, it was a very beautiful journey that came to an end and the author closed it with a golden clasp. Now if you excuse me I will go back to read this series from the beginning because I miss them a lot already.

thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the e-arc in exchange for my honest review.