A review by ambersmith1_2
Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson


I enjoyed this book to a point. I would definitely read it again. I just think the ending was a bit stupid. Its just my opinion, you don't have to think the same. Like she was so afraid to marry this guy, than she did suddenly marry him anyway. He dies two weeks later, and there's never an explanation as to why or how. Kind of suspicious if you ask me. I'm thinking maybe the guy did kill him so that he could marry her. That still was something that put me off with this book too. She loved Peter, he left her and than she suddenly marries her friend that she'd literally never shown any sort of affection or actual loving to other than obviously as a friend. It was just a bit weird and kind of rushed that she suddenly decided to marry him and be with him. I feel like she kind of gave up what she wanted for what he wanted. What she wanted was gone, and he wasn't coming back. So it seems like she just decided to give someone else what they wanted since she couldn't have what she wanted. She lost everything, the lost boys and Peter. The only people she'd had fun with and felt safe with. I just can't see her suddenly marrying not one but two people after that. For a 15 year old that would have been traumatizing. To lose everyone she cared about and suddenly be married off twice. I just can't see it making sense. So in that sense, I give the book 3 stars because it did keep my attention the whole time. It just had an ending that I didn't personally care for or enjoy that much.