A review by romethegreenwood
The Eyes Are the Best Part by Monika Kim


Read about 70% of this in one sitting on a very fast train and I'm not sure if it was the book or train that made me start to feel a bit ill. If it was the book, congratulations for being the first book to ever do that to me. This was very fun and engrossing but the thing is. I think I am tired of hashtag Good For Her feminine rage etc etc. There's not really any more road we can tread here, I feel, and Clytemnestra already did it back before 0 AD. And  this was very much trying to do that, which is sad, because I think it has so many strengths - getting to watch the protagonist descend into madness, to see her become less concerned with anyone finding out, is fascinating. I love when a book imitates the spiral a character is going down in its pacing. This was fun, but I do wish it went further.