A review by cpt_mackey
Emperor of the Eight Islands by Lian Hearn


This novel didn't really feel like a complete story, more a collection of ripped out sections from other novels. The storyline, the main character and the plot would change direction so dramatically after each chapter, that when I returned to previous POV's, I struggled to remember what had already happened. What also didn't help was the long a complicated character names. I'm not great with names, but at times the Author threw a full name out there and then expected the reader to remember that name 100 pages later having only seen it once.

Character development also occurred in such a way that the characters changed without the reader being informed about it. It was very difficult to develop a relationship with the characters because it felt like they had just been created differently each time I read about them.

Towards the end of the novel, I actually became engaged in the story. Finally there wasn't five different complicated, boring and pointless stories all happening at the same time.

Speaking of time, the passage of time throughout this novel was very convoluted. For example, characters would randomly mention that a certain event occurred 3 years ago. Then I'd be left shellshocked because I'd come to understand that the event they were speaking about was supposed to have been only the previous day. Very confusing!!

There was so many missed opportunities for engaging mysteries or cool and scary monsters. The story started off promising, introducing these strange monsters that killed people, and then the strange ritual with the mountain sage, but that all fizzled away when near to no mention of the supernatural was brought up again. Our main character apparently has powers and the spirit of a deer living in him, what does that mean and what can he do? I have no idea, your guess is as good as mine because the author certainly didn't tell the reader.

Hina, a character that was introduced as a seemingly main character but never refered to again, says "there was an earthquake, lots of horses died... And some people too". This was the only character who has their priorities straight, and also the only character to show any kind of personality.

I cannot express how much of an empty shell of a novel this was. It had no substance, no growth, engaging stories or meaningful characters. The story was just a collection of statements and events.