A review by kaleereads
There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins


let’s get into it.

so the truth is that I only picked up this book because I am weirdly obsessed with the Netflix movie version. It’s like my favorite Netflix horror movie and I really couldn’t tell you why except the guy who plays Ollie is really hot and the main actress who plays Makani was in The Walking Dead. that’s all i got. but i’ve also been getting into YA horror so i had to add this to my roster.

okay so the movie is better than the book which isnt as rare as some people like to pretend it is. but the movie isn’t only better, it makes the book look bad.


Makani’s backstory was way more heavy in the movie. In the film, she was expelled from her school in Hawaii and sent to live with her grandmother because at the hazing ritual she pushed a girl into a fucking bonfire and maimed her for life. Imagine my disappointment reading this book and finding out that in this version she was sent away because she… *Checks notes*… Cut off a girl’s ponytail? also, the killer in the movie and his motivations were way better. It was also kind of a plot twist because the killer was one of their friends in the movie and he was exposing his victims for being hypocrites. The killers motivation in this book was so fucking stupid. He was just killing people because he was jealous that they would most likely be able to escape their hometown. It’s just so unfortunate because the movie is so much more cohesive and believable. Plus the authors decision to reveal the killer so early in the book was very strange but on the other side of the coin, the killer is no one to our main character so it doesn’t really matter anyway, I guess? the ending is so rushed, and poor Alex is just dead and we barely spent another sentence on her after spending the whole book with her. the whole story is just not very well fleshed out.

I will say the highlight of this book was the romance. I was kicking my feet and blushing with these two. but that’s it.

anyway, lemme go watch the movie for the literal 12th time in my life.