A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Forced Bonds by J. Bree


I do quite well with cliffhangers. I don't mind waiting a little while for a next book to be released. I can enjoy a series while reading, let it go for a little bit and return when the next book is available. So, even though the next two books in the series haven't been released yet, I decided to finish the ones that are published anyway. And damn. I kinda do regret now not having waited with this one until the next one is out!

I'm in denial. I mean. What else can you do after a cliffhanger like this? I was prepared for almost everything, but it was impossible to prepare for this, to see this one coming. I'm also in denial because there are still loads of questions unanswered. There is still so much we don't know. And books don't work like that. We get answers before a cliffhanger like this happens. So, I have faith in our heroine and her powers and things will be fixed! They need to be!

However, just like the previous books in the series this book has a constant tension lurking in the background. There is a lot of progress when it comes to the relationship and therefore there are more and more moments of lightness and relaxation. Danger is however never far away. It's literally lurking around every corner. Hiding and waiting. And it can strike at any time. It does strike at any time. And that's what makes these books so amazing!

Just like I really love how the relationship progress, how we get more and more information about the mythology and how the world works. This series is a slow burn and it takes time for the characters to form that connection and to act on the bonds, but the way it happens, slowly and one by one, is so beautiful and feels so natural! Bree absolutely knows her characters and follows their wants and needs and directions.

I can't wait for the next book to be released!