A review by karinlib
Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann


I have some mixed emotions about this book. I liked it. I see why it has been picked for awards, because it was anti-America. I understand; however, it was so negative that it was exhausting. Reading this book was like living with someone who constantly complains about everything, never really seeing that there are good things in life.

The main character was constantly complaining about the police and I am going to get on my soap box here, if I may. I see it from both sides. Police have to be vigilant when they are confronted with criminals and have to make split second decisions, and sometimes those decisions are wrong. They are dealing with difficult people, people who want to kill them, people who are in bad mood, all day long, everyday. I have seen state troopers with a chip on their shoulder, and I have seen troopers that stopped by my house, saw me shoveling, asked me if I wanted help. Bottom line is: you don't want a society that doesn't have police.

The book is well written, and I liked the word play and the style, and she pulled it off.