A review by katsmiao
Addicted by Tracy Wolff


I love this book. I seriously adore it. I think I may be addicted to Ethan and Chloe, or maybe I'm just addicted to anything written by Tracy Wolff.

This book is a roller coaster ride of emotion. If you devour it as fast as I did, you are going to have to hang on for the ride. You might even get whiplash.

Like in the first book, there are ups and downs, good (more like amazing) and bad (more like devastating) as this relationship rides out the turmoil. Without wanting to spoil anything, the end is happy, and just right. The way to that happy ending is full of anguish, laughter, tears and happiness.

Ethan finally exposes some of his insecurities, which make him all the more endearing. Of course there are sizzling hot love scenes, and a few LOL moments between Chloe and her friends.

Personally, my absolute favorite part of the book was the conversation about the World Cup between Chloe and her work friends. I am Austin, and I feel 100% the same way as him about football. It made me laugh to read that scene, because I have had the exact same conversation with people I work with about what I call football and what people here call football. It's only a couple of pages out of the book, so if football isn't your thing, it won't detract from your enjoyment of the book. Just happens to be the part that made me laugh, as there were other parts of the book that raised all sorts of other emotions.

I love Ethan, I love Tracy Wolff, and I highly recommend it to anyone.