A review by book_concierge
Candy and Me: A Love Story by Hilary Liftin, Hilary Liftin



Subtitle: A Love Story
Paperback subtitle: A Girl’s Tale of Life, Love and Sugar

Hilary Liftin has had a lifelong addiction to candy. I can relate. I consumed quite a lot of sugary treats as a child. One of my uncles (my mother’s brother) was a pastry chef and had his own bakery. Another uncle (my father’s brother), had a grocery store; I was so jealous of my cousins because I believed they could have all the candy they wanted for free. (I was wrong about that, of course.)

As she recalls her childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, she reflects on the many candies she consumed, adored, sought, hoarded and absolutely without guilt enjoyed. Some of these I had never heard of (Bottle caps?), others were also among my favorites, (Junior Mints, Orange Slices and Circus Peanuts), and still others we will have to agree to disagree on (I love Starlight mints, she can’t abide them; she loves candy corn, I’d sooner kiss a sheep.)

We have, both of us, learned to live with a sweet tooth, and moderate our consumption. But it was sure nice to take a walk down memory lane, when penny candy was plentiful and I had a whole DIME to spend on it!