A review by curls
Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle


Charlotte is only sixteen when she is going to be given in marriage as an alliance to a powerful country with a strong military.

Young is the youngest prince who is unexpectedly gaining a kingdom. Charlotte doesn’t want to get married, and impulsively shoots an arrow at him when he arrives. Their marriage is off to a great start.

"I'm Prince Young of Vires," I said, bowing deeply. My mind raced.

I'll never love you.

I continued. "It's an honor to meet you."

You tried to kill me.

Thankfully it is canceled when enemies attack the castle- forcing them to run.

This is a plot driven story without a lot of character development. It makes me think of younger (middle grade) works that have a lot of action but not a lot of characterization. But then there are talks about the consummation of the marriage that wouldn’t make this appropriate for very young readers.

It has several POV - Princess Charlotte, Prince Young, Milly the ladies maid, Prince Emmett of the rival kingdom, Prince Minseo Young’s older brother. I really grew to like Young - he’s a honorable guy.

The ending was surprising. Especially when the author announced that it is part one of three. This book could be read as a stand-alone.

Ultimately I didn’t care for it. This feels like a first draft. It’s too heavy on plot twists without character development. Emmett was the only voice that was really unique, and that’s because of his arrogance. I am giving it one extra star for the ending.

Free on Kindle Unlimited.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.