A review by misslezlee
The Great Fortune by Olivia Manning


Goodreads had a facebook post that asked you to sum up the book you were reading in three words. I put “ insufferable English ex-pats”. It’s true. The Pringles, Guy and Harriett, live in Bucharest during the lead up to Rumania’s invasion by Germany in 1940. Guy teaches English at the University and Harriett, who married him after a whirlwind romance during .his summer off in England, gradually learns to understand the man she so hastily fell in love with. Apparently, this is somewhat autobiographical. There are other English ex-pats, all equally awful. The novel was published in 1960 and is full of very insensitive observations about “the peasants”. There are also beautiful descriptions of the city. But the cast of characters is full of stereotypes and it’s hard to like any of them.

I *think* I may have read The Balkan Trilogy before, back in 1987. It was televised by the BBC as Fortunes of War, starring Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson, who at the time were married to each other and the doyennes of British theater. They were very well cast - stiff upper lip and all that.

So I read the first book in the trilogy and it was slow going at first. Not an awful lot happens and, coming hot off the heels of another Outlander installment, I particularly noticed the lack of affection and hot sex between the protagonists. I mean, really, they are newly weds and there’s not even any kissing mentioned. I did learn that Guy owns just three pairs of underpants, but that fact was made know in a warehouse not a bedroom. There’s a hint of dissatisfaction on Harriet’s part and she does hang out with Clarence an awful lot, but, assuredly, there’s nothing going on there.

The book ends with the Germans on Rumania’s doorstep, making demands. I think they’ll have to leave and soon.