A review by starryeyedenigma
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


You have changed my life Leigh Bardugo. With your Six of Crows. Really. I don't even know what this review is going to be like. Will it be a review? A post full of spoilers? Will it have me gushing about how much I loved this book? The answer is - probably all of the above :)

I started this book with shaking hands two days back. So many of my online bookish friends loved this book. And I had recently read Ninth House. So I was nervous. Will I love it, will I not like it? But I needn't have worried.

The thought on the top of my mind last night was, wait a second, these are 17 year old kids? I'm 37 years old and I still don't think I have half the courage, wits, resilience and panache that these kids put together have. I loved all the characters in the book. After ages Ive read a book where I was so invested in the characters. I actually cried in some scenes, had my heart racing with excitement in some scenes and laughed out loud in many scenes. My favorite character was Jesper though, since I could relate to the talented yet left out entertainer in the group, who has a gambling problem. I don't have a gambling problem, but I might have a different type of addiction. I wish I was more like Inej though, strong, mysterious, beautiful and yet vulnerable. But I know, I'll be Jesper in this lifetime..lol

I enjoyed the chemistry between all the pairs, but I want to read more about Jesper. Maybe there will be more in the sequel?

The puzzle and the plot - how to writers think of such amazing storylines?! Stories and puzzles that leave the reader gasping and thinking, I never saw that coming?! The whole layout of the ice palace, putting this motely crew together, planning the entry and exists, failing, succeeding..I was just blown away.

Now that all the gushing is out of the way, the only parts that I struggled with were the Grisha terminologies. I think it might have been easier had I read the Grishaverse trilogy first. I had to keep going back and forth in my notes to remember what powers a Corporalki has and who is a fabricator..etc etc. All those references to the Ravkan civil war and the second army were sort of lost on me too. Maybe I'll know more when I read the Grisha trilogy after finishing this duology :)

Reading this book was literally like watching a movie like Ocean's 11. Right from the first scene with Kaz, Inej and Jesper's introduction with the rival gang. I hope they make a screen adaptation of this book too.

And now, because I don't have to wait for the sequel, the finale, let me dive right into 'Crooked Kingdom'!