A review by ilovebooksalltoowell
The Alice Network by Kate Quinn


About the book

It’s 1947 and 2 women meet with completely different backgrounds, but soon discover they need each other in a search for the past. Charlie is a pregnant student and goes to Europe for an abortion, but takes the opportunity to run away because she wants to find her cousin from whom they haven’t heard anymore since the end of WW2. Eve was a spy in the Great War and has recently learned that the man who hurt her badly and handed her over to the Germans is still alive. Together with her driver Finn they go on a search for answers and we learn about the heroic past of Eve along the way.

My thoughts about the book

What an amazing novel based on true facts and what an amazing way to connect two wars through the collaborator René. Eve was a spy and worked in his restaurant in Lille while Charlie’s niece Rose worked in his restaurant in Limoges during WWII. You go back and forward in time with each chapter and this makes the story very dynamic to read. When I was halfway through it was impossible to put down. I didn’t know that the story was based on true facts when I read it, the explanation at the end takes your breath away. A must read!