A review by bookishwendy
Jar City by Arnaldur Indriðason


This one was a bit bumpy at first--I suspect because it's third in a series, but the first to be translated into English from Icelandic. A murder happens, Inspector Erlendur shows up and does his thing without much of an introduction, but I got the hang of things soon enough. It's been a while since I got this caught up in a nordic noir--the last time was probably [b:The Snowman|9572203|The Snowman (Harry Hole, #7)|Jo Nesbø|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1355881478s/9572203.jpg|2697052] by Jo Nesbo. Erlendur has more than a passing similarity to Harry Hole, and I'd recommend this to anyone looking for something Nesbo-like. The best part of this mystery, without giving too much away, is that it couldn't have been set--or solved--anywhere else but Iceland.