A review by belladonna_loves_to_read
Drowning In The Dark by Pippa DaCosta


The veil is falling and the Princes are poised for battle in the fourth installment of the Veil Series, Drowning in the Dark. Akil, Stefan, Ryder, and the Institute are all playing their own game and Muse, afraid to call upon her demon for fear she will lose her humanity, has to make some tough choices about who she can trust.

I love Akil. No, really. I LOVE Akil. The prologue from Akil's POV... *SWOON*

Exhibit A: “She hasn't the faintest idea how she kills me with the way she walks, how she tips her head, licks her lips, touches her hair. How she looks at me; eyes narrowed, hand on hip, so adamant in her belief she knows who--what I am. I need to take her; hard and fast. Rip the degenerate bastard from her soul, and seed myself inside her. Own her for eternity. Longer.”

Exhibit B: “Together we could burn the world. I’d burn it for her; just to free the fire.”

Every single character in this book had a revelatory moment. My emotions were all over the place. Cheering one minute, mouth gaped in shock the next. I even cried. (Let the record show that this is the first Urban Fantasy book that has EVER made me cry. And a full on ugly cry, too)

Drowning in the Dark is a heart-pounding, pulse racing, non-stop thrill ride. When it comes to this series I should know by now to expect the unexpected, but once again Pippa DaCosta has blown me away. A word of warning, though. This book ends in one heck of a cliffhanger. Thankfully the fifth and final book in the series, Ties That Bind, will be out at the end of April.

*An e-copy of this book was provided in exchange for an honest review.*

“I’m the freakin’ Mother of Destruction. Those bitches will get in line or die.”

”Trapped inside his arms, pressed against his chest, his scent so pungent it burned my throat, I couldn't run, couldn't fight, couldn't cry out, and the sordid yellow eyes revealed he knew it. I did the only thing possible when faced with fate. I smiled.”