A review by hugbandit7
Cold Nose, Warm Heart by Mara Wells


I'm a sucker for any book that involves dogs...and this one involves MANY dogs! Probably because there is a dog park located near the apartment building that brings out all of the dogs in the neighborhood and is quite the community gathering space. Of course, I use the term dog park loosely as it is a fenced area that people squeeze through a gap to enter. But it is definitely a gathering space.

Caleb and Riley are friendly rivals once the truth is out about who Caleb is and why he is at The Dorothy that Riley manages. As in a romance novel, there are the ups and downs in their relationship, starting as friends, becoming slight enemies, resolving their differences and finding happiness together.

I appreciated how the community came together when The Dorothy was in trouble and everyone offered their assistance for free to save this iconic building. Sure it was dilapidated but it had charm. Even a crotchety old man can be taught new tricks and that it does not have to be a dog eat dog world.