A review by allingoodtime
Ice Hard by Tracy Goodwin


When I read the first book in this series, Ice Hot, I commented that I enjoyed the characters and liked the story concept but felt something was missing. There was enough I liked about the book that I wanted to read the next in the series. I’m happy to say I did feel this story was an improvement on the first.

I absolutely adore both Nick and Camille. They are both such caring people with just enough snark to make them fun but not overly abrasive. What they have is definitely insta-love, but it was really believable insta-love. As with the first story, I felt the flicker of chemistry but it didn’t explode off the pages as I was hoping/expecting. In the other book I chalked this up to telling and not showing with the story. I didn’t feel that way here, so I can’t really say what was missing to help things catch fire for me.

As much as I loved the backstory of Camille, I also felt I was missing out on something. There were two basic stories, one with her family and one with her ex, that converge to make her who she is today. Both were really great concepts. Yet I felt neither was given the depth it could have been given if only one had been central to the story. In other words, I wanted more. That’s a compliment, by the way.

So, while I’m still not totally blown away by this author, she’s definitely growing on me.

**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely**

You can find more of my book reviews at All In Good Time.