A review by hanxue
Marionette by Antonia Rachel Ward


Rating: 1 Star.

Let me just say this book pissed me off. I wanted to DNF it so many times but kept going because I was SURE that no way is the writer, who is a woman, was just gonna let this book keep going in the misogynistic tone that it kept going in but nope. It in fact didn't get better it got worse.

By the end of the book there was some hope that the tides were gonna turn but sigh, it was a disappointing mess. The funny part is that it is clear the writer intended this book to be a girlboss story with women reclaiming their bodies from the clutches of a misogynistic society but that flopped hard and the writer only ended up feeding into that misogynistic mindset even more.

Oh and there was A LOT, and I mean every few pages, scenes of lesbian sex, kissing, etc which were only ever done for male pleasure. Also scenes of a certain important character thinking of wlw kissing as demonic. I really hope no one classifies this book as LGBT. Canonically bi characters were there but as I said, for male pleasure.

If you told me this was written by a 1500's male writer who frequents brothels and illegally sells erotic novels for the violently misogynistic male society I would believe it.

Apart from all that, I do not understand why George even needed a POV? Also there were so many inconsistencies within the book including plot holes and a lot of things were just not explained and vague in the worst possible way which just gave off laziness.

The only good thing about the book was Selena.

I will not recommend this for anyone, don't even hateread it out of curiosity it is just not worth your time wasted.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC of this book.