A review by ravenslanding
Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews


Kate: Kate, you will keep your tongue behind your teeth and be polite and restrain your snarky self because Curren could kill you with his pinky.

Two seconds later...

Kate: Hey Curren, I betcha you couldn't find your own tail with two hands and a map.

Curren: .....oh no I'm in love.


If you liked the Dresden Files, you can handle Kate Daniel's world. It's dark, gross, and intense at times, but it's also funny and adventurous with a large cast of really interesting characters. I took a minute to warm up to Kate, but now I'm a fan.
Here for the slow burn and mystery and hijinks.

Second read (already, it's been merely months), and I love it. I mean, I loved it the first time but it is even more awesome watching the slow burn the second time around.