A review by axa_ya
The Affiliate by K.A. Linde


Stop at page 284
I cant. I just cant. Since the very beginning udah gasuka banget i hate insta-love. Ughhhh benci gasukaa apalagi cuma gara 3-5 kata banther terus jadi cinta PADAHAL The King udah punya istri and expecting! Whatwhatwhat kind of world is this????

Cyrene is a selfish bitj, arrogant, songong, sombong, egois, ga sopan hhhh apalagi nih sifat buruk apa lagi....

I hate this book. I hate i made time to read this book sampe 2/3 lebih nya. KENAPA?????!!!!!! WHY i spent my precious 3 hours to read this rubbish padahal masi ada 1737191 jurnal yang ngantri untuk dibaca why oh why