A review by bookslifeandeverythingnice
Waisted by Randy Susan Meyers


Thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books and Randy Susan Meyers for an ARC ebook copy to review. As always, an honest review from me.

- The chapters about adults living at fat camp - almost like the book version of The Biggest Loser (tv show). Gives good insight into their thought processes about their bodies, mental state and personalities
- The overall concept for the book
- The social commentary and discussion about body image, weight, and discrimination
- The camaraderie between the women

Love: —

- The first 75 pages or so weren’t what I expected based on the summary (lots of backstory but it didn’t really help me get to know the characters well)
- Story became weird/also boring again after they left fat camp. Also some of it then didn’t make sense in the storyline.
- Didn’t capture my attention or interest me like I hoped it would
- Very underwhelming storylines and characters

Wish that:
- I related to the main characters more. There were several with different personalities and life stories, but I didn’t really connect (or care) about any of them. Sounds harsh, but true.

Overall, a good, unique concept for a book, but unfortunately a let down based on the summary and my expectations. It’s not terrible so I won’t recommend against reading it, but I’m also not going to be telling everyone to read it either. To note: I’m a young adult, white woman, and average/thin body frame, so that may have biased my opinions in some way.