A review by shanhautman
Southern Lady Code: Essays by Helen Ellis


These essays all center on the author's major privilege and her utter lack of awareness regarding the bubble she resides within. I was hoping that this book would take a more feminist, progressive stance on what it means to be a southern woman today. NOPE.

Reminding us that it is very important to keep the house clean so our husbands can focus on us and not the state of the home? Check.

Tokenistic treatment of gay friends and the gay community at large? Check.

Breezily bragging about her designer shopping habits and misfortunes (Everyone wears the same Burberry trench, y'all! It is so easy to pick up the wrong one at a cocktail party. Good thing I can just go buy another more expensive one!)? Check.

Laughing off her unfounded worries about the consequences of pot use (I'm a square, rich white lady...no one's going to arrest me me!) Check.

The list goes obnoxiously on and on. Vapid, uninteresting, and disappointing.