A review by jennykd2
Call Me Zelda by Erika Robuck


i was intrigued by this book as i can't usually pass up anything that involves crazy people...even though i'm not too much in to fiction.

i love the era and i enjoy f. scott fitzgerald's works, so i was even more intrigued when i was reading and found that he used zelda's diaries. i didn't even know he was married! his treatment of her was-wow...a very moving story, interesting to see it from a third party-anna.

the only thing i felt was a bit sudden and not as well developed was the relationship later in the book (not to spoil). other than that, it was a good book and a fast read.

i think if someone is looking for a good intro into zelda's life, this may be a good starting point, since it is fiction and didn't go too deep. i do plan on reading the book "z" now and doing more research into zelda's art. i may read "hemingway's girl" as well since i did enjoy this author's writing.

so good lines and quotes that make you think.