A review by urban_reads
Unnatural Creatures: A Novel of the Frankenstein Women by Kris Waldherr


This book was completely outside my box, and not at all what I normally read. I like to throw myself a curve every once in a while to force myself to read fresh, new things. Normally I am thrilled to get back to my true loves, fantasy, historical fiction, or epic fantasy. That was not the case with this book. I really loved it!

This book is all about the women in Victor Frankenstein’s life. His mother Caroline, Elizabeth who is taken in by the family and promises to marry and care for Victor and Justine who becomes their maid. The book is told in their multiple POVs. The book is broken into parts, each part is told from the perspective of one of the women. Something really fun is every chapter has a quote from the original Frankenstein book. Loved that.

Seeing Frankenstein through the eyes of the women in his life was unique and a fresh idea that I haven’t seen before. It almost felt like historical fiction! I found myself really curious to see how each part would end. I thought it was beautifully written and felt like a classic in itself. I don’t want to spoil too much, but my favorite part is the creature that is on a collision course with some of the characters and I couldn’t stand having to wait to see how it all ended!

Thank you to NetGalley for this gem! Loved it so much!