A review by newlybookish24
The Smoke That Thunders by Erhu Kome


*Thank you to NetGalley and Norton Young Readers for a copy of this eARC in exchange for my review* 
Let me dive into one of January's best reads, "The Smoke That Thunders." This carefully crafted narrative skillfully weaves a tale that resonated with my inner teen reader, making me feel a wave of nostalgic emotions. 
Naborhi, the central character, stands out as a wonderfully portrayed female lead, challenging the conventional norms of storytelling. What struck a chord with me was her resolute decision to defy societal expectations, particularly the concepts of an arranged marriage and the conventional roles expected of her. Naborhi's journey was a breath of fresh air as she remained committed to pursuing her own ambitions. Beyond the character dynamics, the plot and storyline held my attention effortlessly. 
The narrative was both engaging and cohesive, showcasing a seamless blend of adventure and character development. My only minor critique would be that the resolution felt a bit hurried. 
However, it's worth noting that this pace is not uncommon among some of my favorite YA authors. 
Kome deserves so much praise for creating such vivid depictions, expert world building, and lovable characters. The beauty of this book lies not only in its fantasy elements but also in its ability to balance action and adventure without delving into excessively dark or graphic territory. This nuance made the reading experience thoroughly enjoyable and very appropriate for YA or younger readers. 
This book promises a delightful experience for readers of all ages. Make sure to include it in your TBR list— missing out on it would be a literary loss.