A review by sandrareilly513
Nothing Left to Burn by Heather Ezell


At 16, Audrey has never felt all that comfortable in her own skin. Brooks, the hot senior who just moved to Coto de Caza, seems to know exactly how that feels. Drawn to the aspiring firefighter with a tragic past, Audrey thinks she may have found the one thing she's "good" at -- being with Brooks. Their relationship sparks flames quickly, with both being consumed by needing the other. But when their summer romance begins to show signs of imperfection and a wildfire rages near her hometown, Audrey will learn so much more about herself and about the person she thought could be her everything. Every fire is destined to burn out...

In all honesty, the female protagonist, Audrey, was difficult to follow at times. Much of her internal monologues, especially throughout the first half of the novel, were spoken in a way that made me think I missed something, like she was referencing something about herself that readers should already know. I had a bit of trouble following her train of thought. It was also confusing at times because, while the chapters alternated between past and present, Audrey would reference something in a "present" chapter that supposedly already happened but readers haven't been exposed to yet in a "past" chapter. It made the storyline tricky to follow. Despite this, I think my HS students would appreciate the character development and could see themselves in either Audrey or her incredibly flawed boyfriend, as well as any of the secondary characters. I would purchase this for my HS library collection.