A review by helenephoebe
The Confession of Katherine Howard by Suzannah Dunn


Review - The story would have been better being written from Katherine Howard's point of view rather than a minor character in the story, who doesn't seem to have all the detail. Katherine Howard's story is an intriguing one but this book doesn't do it justice because it takes place on the fringes rather than in the middle of the action. Katherine doesn't seem to develop at all, and neither does the narrator, who seems oblivious to what is going on around her. I think this book is based far too much on speculation. Although it is fiction, most historical fiction novels, particularly about this period, are at least based on fact, but Dunn seems to have disregarded what facts do exist, although there aren't many. It wasn't well-formed and didn't seem real.

Genre? - Historical / Romance / Drama

Characters? - Katherine Howard / Henry VIII / Anne of Cleves / Henry Mannox / Francis Dereham / Thomas Culpeper / Cat Tilney / Dowager Duchess of Norfolk / Duke of Norfolk / Jane Boleyn

Setting? - London (England)

Series? - N/A

Recommend? - No

Rating - 11/20